Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Well this is the 2nd part to the earlier one cos I got too tired. This is for the other 4. Its not that you're not as important, its just that I just got tired. You're all probably thinking PFFFFFFFFT What a fat newb.


Would like to thank you again for a great birthday. I haven't really gotten to know you until last year. The jokes have been crazy. From Le Construction to the other mindless jokes we've talked about. Thanks for always putting up your house for us. If not for your house we wouldn't have had such a great place to hang out at most of the time. I've always enjoyed going out with you, it was fun. You know its fun when that one time, when we went to get Sy & Lk's presents. Then I had that cheek/jaw ache. Whenever I laughed it would ache but I still laughed like crazy. We're definitely going for that marathon this year end. Half marathon RIGHT? YES! (Eh i dunno if its half or full) I'm going to start training when I stop working. Attachment EWWWWWWWWWW. Looking forward to flattening more of Nick's burgers with you. Never forget the memories & enjoy your time in the army. Get through it & get it done with. I hope you & Sy are bunk mates! Man that would be fun. I can imagine it now, halfway marching, LAUGH, halfway showering, LAUGH. While doing push ups. LAUGH MORE! Oh I forgot to add, we need to get mroe Jaegerbombs once you get out of NS. MORE SHOTS. MOAR! We need to try Rock Lobster, my friend tells me its awesome but I have yet to find a bar which serves one.


We've been in the same project for 2 years back then. All we got were 2 plastic stars. Big Whoop but at least we got so many fun memories to look back at. Just dulan Yong Ann. I called you so many names...from Lulu to Baboon. I forgot why I even called you Baboon, it was just retarded. I did like it though! At least we get to do stuff more now cos you're "Working" HEY GUYS DONT RUN AR MUST WALK!! I hope you enjoy your hamster. Naming it Aaron would be the best choice you've ever made. Such an awesome name. Hahahahhaha. Just continue to insult Adrian. Nonstop insulting of Adrian = win. Just zham Adrian. You're one of the few friends I've known who actually like British humour. Its difficult to get it, but its so hilarious. I wish you all the best at work. Hope its the slackiest thing you've ever done. Night Baboon! God Bless =)

Hao Feng:

I haven't really gotten to know you yet. I just know that you're hilarious. Thats a fact. Thanks for coming for my birthday, I knew that you were working that day but you still came. Thanks ar! We have until April til you, Muthu & yeehee go into the army. We have to play poker again soon and maybe bridge....best partner ever. See we're so pro, we can just solo & win the other 2 people. That's how good we are! I remember last time when Sy or Yi He (Forgot who) told you to choose between us & the KBox gang. LOL damn funny. "ITS EITHER US OR THEM! You have to choose now, there's no 2 way choice. Muthu's constantly talking about Uncle Wee Hock. Its not even funny but everytime he says it I just laugh like siao. Eh next time just zham Adrian more. More fun that way. Now on MSN he's complaining cos his section on this blog is short -_-. I wish you all the best for the army. I hope you get into something fun. Something which you can enjoy? I think. lol National Slavery.

Yi He:

Hi Yeehee! What a newb. Hahaha. You have til April to enjoy life until Slavery begins! GG. Poker has always been fun. Raisy Daisy! Sometimes you shouldn't take it too seriously. Its more fun when you crap during poker. I still remember the secondary school days. Ever since that day when I first went out with you, lk, sy & muthu to eat lunch every friday. It was fun. I wished I was less anti-social during the secondary school days, I would've enjoyed secondary school days more. Now I kinda regret it. I really wish you all the best for your army life. I hope it'll change you for the better. Don't smoke boy. SMOKE ISH BAD. I hope you get into something which you actually want to get into, not something crappy. I would name something crappy but I don't know the army life for nuts. I never minded passing you all my songs so don't think I'm pissed or sad cos of that. I always enjoy sharing with my close friends. That's all for now really, I can't think of anything else to say. =o

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