Sunday, August 17, 2008

"Since I can't read music and everything. I find out that I do the best when I just listen where...where I'm trying to go with it and where it can go and not try to rush it. Not try to make up things as I'm going necessarily, just let them come out, then I'm a lot better off. If I try to pay attention to where I am on the neck and this is the proper way to do this or that you know. Then I end up thinking that thing through it and instead of playing from my heart, I play from my mind and that's where I find that I get in trouble. If i just go with what's in my heart and let it come out, then I'm okay." -Stevie Ray Vaughan

Ever since I've heard what he said on this 10 bucks album I bought from this random person..I've been a better blues player. It wasn't even my technique or style or anything, I was just thinking too much.

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