Thursday, July 5, 2007

Just thoughts...

I've been thinking a lot lately. You know, about everything. About my life, my parents, my friends. Whatever that pops into my head. Once my toes are fine, I'm going back to rugby. It would be awkward, not being there for awhile. I don't talk to anyone anyway. It was always awkward what am I talking about. (except maybe when we were doing physical training, too tired to even think) Rugby is like the only sport I am interested in, I HAVE to keep going at it. I like the fact of taking down someone right when he gets the ball, its awesome. I've done it before so yeah I wanna do it again!! I've given more thought into my guitar too. I'm going to put more time in it rather than slacking off most of the time. (I'm serious this time!) I bought a copy of Guitar Techiques from Borders. Its an awesome megazine. Sure it costed $18.50 but for the amount of stuff they teach you in there its worth much more. I learnt a blues lick in like a day. Now I just have to play it faster. I think I'll practice that song by KISS next since its going to help me with my power chords. I have slightly stubby fingers which kinda sucks when it comes to guitar playing but I think I've found a way around that now. My dad finally got me the adaptor for my distortion pedal. Yeah so I can play all day long now and not worry that the battery would run dry because now it runs on electricity! (hope the bill doesn't go up too high o.o) I've been thinking about relationships too. Whether I should really really go for one right now or not. However, I thought about what Sara told me last time (You don't look for love, love comes looking for you) so yeah I guess I'm not in a big rush anyway. I'll just focus on my life, doing what I love. Relationships can wait, if one comes by I'll take it but until then, I'll take another serving of Rugby & Guitar playing please.

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