Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Wednesday, the 3rd day. Not the 2nd day, the THIRD day.

Nothing much today. Kinda bored at home. (As always) Talked to Dave & Donovan for awhile. Caught up on some stuff. Played my guitar until my distortion pedal's battery died. (I swear that pedal SUCKS batteries dry) I have to get that adapter. (Costs $84 at Swee Lee Music Centre, Fuck that) I've been trying to get it from Hong Kong because they aren't assholes who overprice everything there. It costs like $20 there. I do hope I can get it soon, I won't want to spend my allowance money on batteries. I'm better at creating new distorted riffs than clean ones apparently. Came out with a new one today. (Yay!) Its alright, isn't great. (What do you expect from a lazy guitarist eh?) When I can create awesome solos now THATS when i'll find a band (maybe next year...i dunno) I miss my friends. All of them. High school & Poly. Its miserable being an only child sometimes but there are its fringe benefits. Haha.

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